Thursday 8 August 2013

Huffington Post: The Problem with Dangerous Dogs in the UK

"When you read of incidents involving dogs attacking humans, adults or children in the newspaper or hear of it on the radio, that attack did not 'just happen'. Things lead to that exact moment in time where that dog took life into its own control. If you look at any of the dogs who have killed or attacked an adult or child and you were able to look at its lifespan, you would find numerous incidents and triggers. It may be cruelty, it may be welfare issues, it may be terrible breeding or it could be that the owner was reported various times to the authorities on differing counts but nothing was ever done. Eventually all of these incidents accumulate - and something awful happens. The media make it out as if it 'came out of nowhere' but this is just not true. There are always warning signs along the way but nobody listened and nobody actioned these reports until one day, the worst possible outcome took place."

Read Whole Article at Huffington Post