Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Another Cosmic Pit Bull

I feel a series coming on...!

This A3 drawing was based on this beauty, killed by Carson Shelter, L.A on the 15th Nov 2011 :(

Harper the Handicapped Pitbull Puppy

Cute story about a pit bull pup who was nearly thrown away for being handicapped, but was rescued and is doing great! 

Rescue Jewelry

I stumbled across these lovely items by Michele Oxton... She puts her photography into these charming photo pendants... and I rather want one!! :)

view her etsy here

Monday, 30 January 2012

A Sad Victim of BSL

BSL, or, Breed Specific Legislation, is the ruling of banned breeds in certain countries. 

In the U.K, current banned breeds are:

The Pit Bull Terrier

The Dogo Argentino

The Fila Brasileiro

And the Japanese Tosa

These dogs are deemed too aggressive to be kept as pets. I don't believe in any form of BSL but I concentrate on the plight of the Pit Bull Terrier as the evidence I have been following in America, and the U.K, brings very worrying results on prejudice against these dogs, and dogs are being killed unnecessarily because of it. 

This is the impact the ban can have:

Article in the Daily Mail (ew I know but just read)

"Soap Actor Commits Suicide After Strict Building Management Forced Him To Put Down Dog - A struggling New York soap opera actor was found dead in his apartment days after putting down his dog.
Nick Santino was discovered by police in his Upper West Side bedroom on his 47th birthday. Neighbours said he was devastated that he had to put down his pit bull after his building enforced harsh new laws against the breed.
He euthanized his dog Rocco on Tuesday. In a suicide note, he wrote: ‘Today I betrayed my best friend. Rocco trusted me and I failed him. He didn’t deserve this.’"

Now in the U.K., there is talk of banning Staffies as well. It would cause a LOT of heartbreak. 

The Positive Pitbull

The Positive Pitbull is a non-profit organisation in Raliegh, NC, USA, which works towards creating a better image for Pitbulls in a country where they are being demonised something rotten. Their mission statement from Facebook: 

"The Positive Pit Bull is a 501(c)3 dedicated to repairing the reputation of the pit bull, rehabilitating ones who are in need and keeping as many as possible out of the shelters through education, positive training and socialization."

On February 9th the will hold an art auction to raise funds- and I sent over the original drawing of this piece to help out, I hope it raises some pennies- oops! Cents- for them! 

Successful shut down of beagle farm

"“We applaud the Communities Secretary for rejecting plans for a beagle breeding facility in Yorkshire to supply laboratories. Using dogs in tests is an issue that raises strong public concern, and this has been reflected in the huge response we have had for our campaign. This is a victory for public opinion, and of course the beagles,” said BUAV Chief Executive Michelle Thew.

The organization advocates for alternatives to animal testing, which they state is cruel and unnecessary. Thew said, “Not only is there a strong ethical case to end these outdated experiments, but a range of non-animal research techniques are now available that provide a humane approach to science which can be used instead of breeding dogs to suffer and die in experiments.” "


Compulsory Cute Beagle Photo

Two dog blogs I like!

Funny blog with posts about a simple dog on it... it appeals to me! 

And a dog blog combining food and a staffie... new favourite site!! 


Sunday, 29 January 2012


"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated"

This is why it is all so important to me. I want to be in a world where all animals are regarded with respect. Dogs are my niche. And my life follows with complimentary conduct.

UPDATE: I have just found, whilst looking for a picture of Gandhi and a dog, a blog which describes his hatred of dogs! That would be why I couldn't find a photo of him and a dog then! 

Well, it said hatred, but it was more like his opinion that stray dogs in India should be culled to stop their suffering. -And that they were a menace, but, they probably were! With his belief in reincarnation and all that, wishing death on an animal isn't quite the dreadful thing it would be to us. 

"'Young India' (Oct-Dec 1926): "Perfect, erring mortals as we are, there is no course open to us but the destruction of rabid dogs. At times we may be faced with the unavoidable duty of killing even a man who is found in the act of killing people. [...] It is a thousand pities that the questions of stray dogs, etc. assume such a monstrous proportion in this sacred land of ahimsa [...] Humanity is a noble attribute of the soul. It is not exhausted with saving a few dogs. Such saving may even be sinful."

""The multiplication of dogs is unnecessary. A roving dog without an owner is a danger to society and a swarm of them is a menace to its (society's) very existence...But can we take individual charge of these roving dogs? And if we cannot, can we have a pinjarapole for them? If both these things are impossible, there seems to be no alternative except to kill them...I am, therefore, strongly of opinion that, if we would practise the religion of humanity, we should have a law making it obligatory on those who would have dogs to keep them under guard, and not allow them to stray, and making all stray dogs liable to be destroyed after a certain date." (Young India, 28.10.26)."

from http://wildlifealmanac.blogspot.com/2007/05/stray-dog-ahimsa.html

Very interesting isn't it! The stray dogs in India still pose a big problem. I don't know anywhere near enough to suggest any form of a solution! It'll be on my list of places to go and help, once I'm more learned in everything.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Death Row Dogs

Recently, the BBC aired a show concentrating on the problem of illegal pitbulls and dog fighting in the UK.

I have mixed feelings about this programme- on one side, it was met with great apprehension following word that it omitted an interview with Dogs Trust, who likely would have put in a good word for the dogs, and a bad word for the owners. However, when I watched it, aside from being very upsetting, they did actually give good point that the BSL regulations in the U.K. can cause healthy and friendly dogs to be euthanised, simply for their appearance. 

But something did upset me a lot about this programme; its attitude towards rules vs animal cruelty- all of the houses that got busted for having an illegal dog were squalid, unkempt places, with slobs and chavs and a great amount of neglect for the poor creatures involved. Although they did charge the owners they raided with animal cruelty, would they have gone in there in the first place for a 'legal' dog...?

We can all agree that something does need to be done. Are the pitbulls and pitbull types that remain getting into such trouble -because- they are illegal? Does making a dog breed illegal cause it to become more dangerous? This show didn't seem to hold many answers, in my opinion. It just told people that it happened. It had good points, but was still lacking, and still felt bias.

It failed to remove any pitbull types from 'normal' housing, and I'm not sure what this says... if that is good or bad... if the houses seem fine, with no reports of animal neglect, cruelty, dog fighting, etc, are they allowing the pitbulls to stay? And why? This could be very good or it could still leave a lot to be desired in term of answers concerning this issue. As you can see, this programme raised more questions than it answered... 

I can only hope that all viewers will agree; banning the breed doesn't solve the problem- and so staffies will be protected. 

DEATH ROW DOGS on BBC iPlayer (expires soon)

Friday, 20 January 2012

Rescues I Particularly Follow

Below is a list of Rescues I follow the most extensively:



Please do look into these sites, especially if you are looking to adopt a dog. Rescues are full to the brim with wonderful dogs that have been fully health checked, nuetured, vaccinated, character assessed, have had some or plenty of training, and sometimes are even microchipped for you. 


Welcome to the Dog Eat Dog Blog.

This image is a piece of my artwork. It appears crude- with jest I approach the idea of turning around a very competitive and hostile phrase into one of... love.