Saturday, 28 July 2012

Impromptu Street Talk

BSL needs fixing. on the way back from the gym just now, i heard a DREADFUL noise, i thought it was a fox being strangled or something, turn round and see a guy with a pit bull walking towards me, the dog pulling proper hard on the choke chain heading into the road and the guy yanking her back, and she calmed down but it really shocked me. as she got closer i saw she had mummy nipples. poor girl. stupid man. 

then along a residential road i spotted a fox and it was just a few feet away from me so i stopped and watched it, and it was all small and thin and limping. a guy walking past looks to see where i'm looking and goes "He'll bite ya!!" so i explain that no probably not, unfortunately theres someone in government out to kill them just like he wants all staffies killed too so these stories are being driven by the media, like staffies. and they guy says " oh yeah well you know why that is, its cause they CROSS THEM (he reiterates a few times i knew he was talking pit bulls) to make em dangerous innit" and i take the chance to talk BSL with him, and it was really good he reconsidered what he had experienced, cause he knows dog fighters, and realised yes they were aggression training, and agreed its the owners not the dogs and doesn't think the dogs should die for it. 

anyway, Dennis and I had a great long talk about, well, society, the olympics, animal abuse, the government, occupy, everything. was really good. he's known animal abusers and he agrees its very wrong, and there should be greater consequences. he knew someone who had a pit bull who he would keep in the boot of his car when they went to play football, and he had a massive stereo system right above the boot and the dog would come out of the car all aggravated. then the guy would take the dog home, put it in his house and beat it to make it aggressive. one day the dog escaped, and his mates were just like "are you SURPRISED?" he thinks people like his mate shouldn't be able to get away with that or allowed more dogs. he understood totally about the BSL problem but hadn't considered the illegality of pit bulls making them popular, but agreed he knows people who have them for status. 

i happened to be wearing my cosmic pit bull t-shirt and he liked it, haha. nice guy. a mid-30s unemployed photographer forced to look for work in primark and at his interview he said it was a great long room absolutely filled with desks of people having 1 to 1 interviews. shocking. he didn't even get the job, he doesn't have much hope for the country but wants everyone to come together against the government. we went in a great long circle and yeah, he doesn't think the foxes should be culled, but hadn't heard of TNR, but thought it was a great idea. "Foxes are just like lil buddies" walking round eating our rubbish and we shouldn't be so messy cause it encourages them. i feel good after this talk.

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