Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Pedigree Dogs Exposed Part 2

Last night BBC4 aired the second part of Pedigree Dogs Exposed (first part can be found here

It is on iPlayer for now. 

It followed up to see if the Kennel Club had reformed its breed standards as a response to the initial investigation into the health of pedigree dogs, which is in jeopardy due to inbreeding and slack monitoring of hereditary diseases, as well as the health issues that arise from the physical deformations asked of the breeds to accompany desired aesthetics. 

In short, no, not really. Not a lot has been done.

A few breed standards have been mildly reviewed but the Kennel Club has split loyalties and wishes to keep breeders happy as well, for fears of scaring them off or something. 

It just strikes me as absurd that breeders and the Kennel Club can be so nonchalant about the welfare of the animals they are responsible for! And I'm also shocked how much of a surprise it is to so many people.

Growing up, we had mongrels, and my parents had always casually stated how mongrels were better- for instance, living longer, and how pedigree dogs were inbred; like it was all common knowledge. And inbreeding is just known as being wrong.... it's incest! So why the hell is it so rife? You can see how pugs are suffering, you can see how dachshunds can't walk right, I just can't understand how anyone can feel happy that even the possibility that ONE dog might suffer by their hand as a result of knowledgeable actions that could have been avoided. It's insanity, I truely believe it is.

Friday, 24 February 2012

UK Staffies Pardoned by Minister

"Staffordshire bull terriers have been unfairly “stigmatised” as dangerous dogs and make “perfectly harmless” family pets, a government minister has said."

"A Defra spokesman said: “We are working hard to reduce the problems of irresponsible dog ownership which will make our homes, streets and public spaces safer."

Read full story here.

The case of William

I tuned into this story way too late. William was turned into a pound somewhere in the UK, (I havn't ascertained where yet), in late Jaunary, and despite being classed as "A very nice young dog who has a good temperament and is in good condition. No issues have been reported.", the council deemed him 'type'.

Have a look at this photograph of him. Does he look like a pit bull to you?! 

The problem with the BSL law, is that, despite the kennel classifying him as a "Bullbreed cross", with good temperament, the council measured him without consulting an expert and because he added up to 'pit bull', he was sentenced to death, basically.

Here's some comments from the facebook photo thread:

"He was assessed by the police on 11th Feb and it was intimated that he wasn't type then on 13th, the kennels got a call to say that he was type and was to be killed. [...] Don't demonise the pound though - they don't want to have to kill him."

"[...]No breed should be illegal in my opinion unless there is strong evidence to prove they really are more likely to attack than other dogs. And even then I think its still more about upbringing than breed as to how a dog turns out. Poor William. His face will haunt me Xx"

"He needs an owner to come forward - but they'd have to be prepared to fight for him in court if necessary. That's why I wanted to really show the urgency here - William's owner must be out there somewhere."

He was put to sleep by order of the council at 3pm on 24th February 2012. Ugh.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Impromptu interview with a bullie owner 2

Tonight I spotted another pit bull. He was small frame, coloured what would be termed a "red nose". The owner was with a group, in Tottenham. He saw me looking and leered at me to come over "y'alright love?" kinda thing.

I went over and said, cheerfully, "I was looking at your dog! I LOVE staffies" and caught his reaction- I think he said something like "yeah he's a mix" I told him, making sure people weren't near, that I was a pit bull enthusiast. I explained about the situation in America, particularly Ohio's legalisation of them, and how I want them legalised here, as I think it's causing them more harm to be illegal. He looked a little unnerved, and just said "yeah... they've taken one away from me already. And killed him." I said "...so you got another?" He was defensive and said "He's a staff he's definitely a staff look at 'im!" I said "of course of course what's a 'pit bull' anyway? But if they measure him he'll might be unlucky. And I don't think its fair on the dogs, do you?" He agreed. I asked where he had got the dog from- he said his mate had been breeding them and he had him from a pup.

I asked if he had come into contact with dog fighting- he was a bit quick to answer no but it might have been genuine. I asked to meet the dog and he took me over, the dog was shy, had a tennis ball in his mouth but didn't really want to come over. The guy said he was friendly but he didn't like to be stroked. I noticed some scars on the dogs head. 

I quietly asked if he was aware of the UK kill rate, and told the rough numbers. He was very surprised. I told him it was mostly bully breeds and it's a big problem. He agreed he didn't think that many would be killed today. 

I thanked him nicely and left.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Ohio's Pitbulls Freed From Discrimination

“ "We appreciate the support of  the Ohio County Dog Wardens, the County Commissioners’ Association of Ohio, the Ohio Coalition of Dog Advocates and countless other animal welfare groups, dog-loving individuals and veterinarians whose efforts resulted in the bill’s successful passage,” said Ledy VanKavage in an earlier statement.  VanKavage is a senior legislative analyst for Utah-based Best Friends Animal Society, which has been supporting the bill. "

Full story here.

Vicious Dogs: The Antisocial Behaviours and Psychological Characteristics of Owners

This study was conducted to explore the tendencies of owners of aggressive type dogs, to determine whether or not the type of owner has anything to do with the volatile nature of the animal.

To summarise it quickly, more research is needed although it did seem to suggest that criminal type owners not only choose more aggressive type dogs, they are also less sympathetic towards animal cruelty and are more likely to create aggressive dogs. But it did state it needs more research. 

Read the report here.

ATTS Temperment Tests

The ATTS Temperment tests were set up to test all dog breeds but with the recent discrimination against pit bulls and the like, it has been called upon to figure out the stigma around them, and see if they really are as volatile as their reputation. 

"While the test is designed to evaluate the instincts of all breeds, it is particularly important now for bully breeds."

It has brought some interesting results.

"The national passing average for the TT for all breeds is 81.9%.  However, historically the pit bull has done better then average.  Detailed statistics are available on the ATTS site.  (www.atts.org)  American Pit Bull Terriers are passing by 85.3%.  The American Staffordshire Terrier is close behind, with 83.9%.  Contrast these with the scores of the  Golden Retriever (84.6%) and the German Shepherd Dog (83.7%). "

Read more here.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Valentines Day Dog Rescue in USA

"Operations : Sweethearts" discovered dogs living in horrific conditions at a so-called 'rescue' centre in Wingo, KY, USA. These dogs are now being taken care of by a real rescue. Warning: graphic. 

Cute Pit Bull Compilation

Pro Pit Bull compilation that turned up on my youtube homepage :)

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Touching Video of a Terrified Rescue Rehabilitation

Really lovely :) made me tear a little! Dogs are so willing to love, he didn't want to be so scared. Poor thing. 

See the Life With Dogs article on this video here.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Dog Fighting Evident in Nottingham as Bait Dog Found

A worrying scene was discovered recently in Nottingham as a Mastiff girly was being used as a bait dog, tied to a tree in a park, with "staffordshire bull terrier type dogs" being spurred to attack her by a group of men.

Full story here.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Impromptu interview with a bullie owner

I spotted a pibble type dog at the train station today, and got the courage to chat to the owner. 

He was a nice young guy, as was his dog! I asked what breed he was- staffy cross....? He answered slightly sheepishly that he was half staffy, half pit bull. I asked if he knew they were illegal, he said yeah... sorta... I told him not to worry about talking to me about it 'cause I'm working on getting pit bulls legalised, as they shouldn't suffer for their bad owner's irresponsibility, and he added "yeah it's bad owners, not bad dogs." I added that the dog's legs were likely too short to count, and he relaxed a bit.

I asked how the dog was as a pet, he said he was totally lovely, he'd had him from 6 weeks old. I asked where he had got him from, and he replied that he had bought him off a mate, who was breeding them.

I asked the man if he had come into contact with any dog fighting, he said no, but... he knew of some people who did it, but didn't associate with them at all. I asked what he thought of dog fighting and he said "evil."

I asked if he was aware that around 25 dogs a day are put down because they can't find homes, most of them staffy and bull types, and he looked very surprised, said he didn't know that. I asked him, please don't breed from your dog, he said he wouldn't....

He got on the train with me but we didn't chat again, however when he got off the train he looked back and gave me a wave goodbye.

Think I'll be interviewing more owners! Is a good source of information straight from the heart of the situation.


This doggie looks like the doggie I met, but isn't :)

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Ian Dunbar on Aggressive Dogs

This video is from a New Zealand news show and highlights a few points about aggressive dogs and dog attacks.

Whilst I am a little wary of his accusation on the owners of dogs who attack, a part of me can hear it really make sense... also his assessment of the Pit Bull situation is, in my mind, spot on. 

It seems to affirm my wish to see Pit Bulls made legal again in the U.K., in order to have them become less dangerous.

More on this issue as I learn more and gain confidence to back it up thoroughly.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Reaction to McDonalds

McDonalds released a radio advert which said that petting a stray pit bull was risky, unlike chosing their new mini McNuggets or something... load of crap anyway, it's been pulled now thanks to the overwhelming response from Pit Bull owners, which makes me happy cause it means there's a lot of people lovin' not hatin' >PIT BULLS< hooraaayyyy

Josh Liddy's Response via swaylove.org

and BAD RAP's Mc Donalds Bark Off

Whilst I fully agree McDonalds should have cause to try and defend the risk-factor of their food, I don't think they were saying the nuggets themselves weren't risky- more the idea of choosing something from them menu you havn't had before is kinda risky... cause, like, you might not like it or something... but... it's all stupid anyway and I'm still happy that McDonalds lost all that money spent on that advert campaign though geez it probably cost less to make than the nuggets themselves cost in store. Fuck McDonalds. I hate them so much. But I love Pit Bulls.

Here's a pretty Pit Bull (credit- Josh Liddy of the sway love site above)

You can read the story of this lovely boy, Junior, here.

Bud Light Superbowl Advert for Rescue Dogs

Bud Light have released an advert for the Superbowl starring a rescue dog called "Weego". 

It is charming, but I include it because it is to raise awareness, and funds, for Rescue Dogs, specifically Tony La Russa's Animal Rescue Foundation. I'd never heard of it before, but you can check it out here.

Well done Bud Light. I may even buy one of your refreshing beverages next time I go to a pub. I don't think we have Bud Light here but I'm sure a regular Budweiser will send some pennies your way!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Solving the Pit Bull Problem

From Maddie's Fund:

Step 1: Marketing the Pit Bull

Step 2: Treating the treatable is for behaviour, too

Step 3: Building your team of pit bull advocates

Step 4: Focus on adopters

Step 5: Following through

read more HERE


Pit Bulls and Parolees

Pit Bulls and Parolees is an American programme following the work of a Pit Bull Rescue in Villalobos, Roswell, New Mexico.

The centre brings in convicts on parole to work at the rescue, to give them some confidence with working again and to connect and learn from the pit bulls. 

The show is very entertaining, from the clips I've seen on youtube (I can't view whole episodes from the UK!), and it has a great cause and message.

The Mayhew Animal Home

For Christmas, I got my sister and brother-in-law a year's sponsorship of a bunny hutch at the Mayhew Animal Centre in Kensal Green, London.

This weekend, we visited for one of their public tours, to take a look around and see what we sponsored. 

The Mayhew started up in 1886. Their original mission statement was to care for "the lost and starving dogs and cats of London so that they should have sanctuary from the cold inhumanity they are being dealt outside."

Unfortunately, they are still much needed today.

I had known quite a bit about the centre prior to my visit, from keeping up to date with their work and viewing the webcams on their site, but I was very excited to see it for myself.

The centre is very impressive. The animals are very well cared for, each with their own space, the cats have lovely two-tiered cage type enclosures with toys and lots of soft bedding, the bunnies have lots of space, and each dog has it's own room, very cosy with bed and even a television to keep them company! They're kept safe and enclosed to minimise stress and give them their space, but they get walked 4 times a day on average.

The animals are all vet checked, brought up to perfect health, vaccinated, neutured, and microchipped, and matched to their perfect owner; their adoption process doesn't necessarily wait for someone to pick the dog they want from a line up- the dogs are matched to people through their temperament and character to make sure they get the best suited home for them. 

The garden at the Mayhew gives shelter to up to 40 feral cats from the neighbourhood. If it seems that a cat which is brought in is too timid and wild to be kept as a pet, they are welcome to stay at the home where they are fed every day, and the garden is full of little hutches so they can keep warm. 

All round, this rescue centre is very inspiring. It has a wonderful homey feel to it, the pets all look healthy and happy, and the people were very lovely.

Go adopt a lucky animal from them!


Thursday, 2 February 2012

Amazingly happy pit bull tale!!

This blog post is just incredible. Makes me instantly in love with everyone involved haha!! It's a cute tale of a guy in Manhattan getting his first pitbull. His vivid and enthusiastic story telling makes it even more entertaining. What a great guy!! 

Some snippets:

"There was some noise coming from the back of the truck so I squatted down to the ground, as is my instinct when I sense the approach of a dog. And this little Pit Bull—this wiggly little bright-eyed beast ran up, threw her arms around my shoulders, and attacked my face with her tongue. But her arms weren’t just, you know, there. This was a full-on hug."

"If I thought the descent into crazy dog-owner would come gradually, I was mistaken. She is all I know how to talk about anymore to anybody. I proudly report the number of times she pooped in a day (yesterday: 3! Today: 1, so far.) and somehow I don’t even mind her rancid farts. To me, she is perfect."

G'wan and read the whole thing...

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

The Story of Faith

Faith was a Pit Bull who was discovered one morning tied to the railings of a church over night.

She was freezing, and had been tied to a railing on a ledge, but had fallen off the ledge, and the lead she was tied with wasn't long enough to let her stand on the ground properly, just on her hind legs. As a result, she had been trying all night to get back up on the ledge with no success, and her paws had been cut terribly.

Neighbours in the area spotted the dog in the morning and at first just loosened her lead and gave her some food and a blanket. After a while it seemed clear there was no owner to arrive to pick her up. She was taken by animal control.

Unfortunately, as Faith was a Pit bull, and in an area where adopting a pit bull is prohibited, it seemed likely that she would be put to sleep. The people who had spotted her were very upset, and set about campaigning to have her released.

This is where the good part comes in- they were successful! 

Posted on the Faith Facebook page on 1st Feb 2012:

"Faith is out!! Policies are changed. She is going to the Humane Society of Western Michigan.Michelle Radloff and Colleen Murphy are the Attorneys for Lexus and they have her in the car..I heard her in the background!!Bravo ladies..Bravo Lexus Project..bravo concerned citizens of Genesee County Michigan."

The amazing thing is, not just was this single dog released, the entire policies for pit bull adoption were reviewed and changed to allow it! Amazing!

"Double victory today folks! Faith in Michigan will be released today AND..Genesee County Animal Control has agreed not to kill dogs based on breed but on the merits of each individual dog and to make them available for rescue or adoption at the discretion of the director or appointee. This is truley a great day for dogs here and everywhere that are subjected these cruel and inhumane policies. Hats off to all of you that have made this change possible !!!"

This story made me very, very happy. Well done to everyone involved.


Pit Bulls looking to be freed of label 'vicious' in Ohio

A nice little step forward for Pit Bulls, at a time when they really need it!

"Instead of Ohio’s 25-year-old law labeling pit bulls vicious, the bill, which still needs final House approval of Senate changes, wouldn’t classify dogs that way in advance. Should behavior problems arise, dogs could be classified in one of three categories: “nuisance,” “dangerous” or “ vicious.”

The latter classification would be for a dog that, without provocation, seriously injures or kills a person. Those animals often would be seized and euthanized."

"Hughes said he talked to Columbus City Attorney Richard C. Pfeiffer Jr. and a local judge about cases before them. “Unfortunately, pit bulls in this county have had a lot of bad cases with children and drugs,” Hughes said. “Drug dealers use these dogs to go after police.”"

It is sad that the reaction is to kill all the pit bulls... not sort out the owners?

Anyway, this news can only be good for now, let's hope it brings positivity to its environment and sets a good standard. I can't imagine states where pit bulls are legal being so quick to make them illegal with this news coming to light.