A nice little step forward for Pit Bulls, at a time when they really need it!
"Instead of Ohio’s 25-year-old law labeling pit bulls vicious, the bill, which still needs final House approval of Senate changes, wouldn’t classify dogs that way in advance. Should behavior problems arise, dogs could be classified in one of three categories: “nuisance,” “dangerous” or “ vicious.”
The latter classification would be for a dog that, without provocation, seriously injures or kills a person. Those animals often would be seized and euthanized."
"Hughes said he talked to Columbus City Attorney Richard C. Pfeiffer Jr. and a local judge about cases before them. “Unfortunately, pit bulls in this county have had a lot of bad cases with children and drugs,” Hughes said. “Drug dealers use these dogs to go after police.”"
It is sad that the reaction is to kill all the pit bulls... not sort out the owners?
Anyway, this news can only be good for now, let's hope it brings positivity to its environment and sets a good standard. I can't imagine states where pit bulls are legal being so quick to make them illegal with this news coming to light.
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