I tuned into this story way too late. William was turned into a pound somewhere in the UK, (I havn't ascertained where yet), in late Jaunary, and despite being classed as "A very nice young dog who has a good temperament and is in good condition. No issues have been reported.", the council deemed him 'type'.
Have a look at this photograph of him. Does he look like a pit bull to you?!
The problem with the BSL law, is that, despite the kennel classifying him as a "Bullbreed cross", with good temperament, the council measured him without consulting an expert and because he added up to 'pit bull', he was sentenced to death, basically.
Here's some comments from the facebook photo thread:
"He was assessed by the police on 11th Feb and it was intimated that he wasn't type then on 13th, the kennels got a call to say that he was type and was to be killed. [...] Don't demonise the pound though - they don't want to have to kill him."
"[...]No breed should be illegal in my opinion unless there is strong evidence to prove they really are more likely to attack than other dogs. And even then I think its still more about upbringing than breed as to how a dog turns out. Poor William. His face will haunt me Xx"
"He needs an owner to come forward - but they'd have to be prepared to fight for him in court if necessary. That's why I wanted to really show the urgency here - William's owner must be out there somewhere."
He was put to sleep by order of the council at 3pm on 24th February 2012. Ugh.
follow up articles: http://www.harrowtimes.co.uk/news/9553648.People_take_to_Twitter_to_beg_Harrow_council_not_to_put_banned_breed_dog_down/