Monday, 9 April 2012

Nathan Winograd's Assessment of Founder of PETA

Nathan Winograd, author of No Kill Revolution bible Redemption, has written on an encounter with the head of PETA and his beliefs for her shortcomings in ethical animal treatment. 

"I was in Los Angeles for a speaking engagement when three PETA employees approached me. One employee explained to me that animals don’t need to be suffering in order for him to be justified in killing them. He then explained that he has the right to round up and kill cats, even if they are not suffering, simply because he “believes” they might suffer. In fact, he said that no matter the circumstances, killing is not unethical—even convenience killing—because it is just like being put under anesthesia for spay/neuter, with the only difference being that the animal never wakes up."

"Not only does PETA’s registration with the State of Virginian as a “shelter” give [Ingrid Newkirk] the ability to acquire the controlled substance fatal-plus which she and her staff use to poison animals, but being registered as a “shelter” with the State of Virginia allows Newkirk and her staff to mislead people into believing that the killing that they do is consistent with that being done by shelters, a form of killing which, tragically, has long been tolerated even by people who claim to love animals. Were Newkirk to independently—without a staff and organization to back her—seek out thousands of animals a year by lying to people, answering free to good home ads, taking them from rescue groups and shelters, gathering animals through trapping, or acquiring those displaced by natural disasters, only to inject them with poison and kill them—it would be immediately obvious to everyone that she was a deeply disturbed woman inflicting cruelty and death upon animals in obedience to dark impulses."

This shocking report on PETA's founder and the justifications they tell themselves is the very thing No Kill fights to rid the world of. So long as people feel excused from killing, it will exasperate the problem.

Read the full article here.

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