Lilla is a Staff x Bulldog in Australia who has been seized under BSL. On their petition, this is their statement:
"In late 2011, Victorian government rushed through new legislation regarding dog ownership.
This legislation is poorly written and ill executed leaving much room for conjecture and incriminating any dog that even partially resembles a pit bull terrier. This legislation is racial profiling and descrimination of dogs. Because of this legislation, many dogs have been destroyed solely because of the way they look. Innocent dogs and their owners are being seperated everday and this is doing nothing to reduce the number of dog attacks in Victoria.
Breed Specific Legislation is inherently flawed for multiple reasons, one of which is that it gives the public a false sense of security. Some people think that only certain breeds attack, this isn't true. Any dog can attack, regardless of size, strength, colour or breed.
Why should you care?
In late 2011 an assistance dog named Lilla was deemed to be of resricted breed(Pit Bull Cross). Lilla has been registered with the local council for years and is actually a Staffy X Bull dog. Lilla has never been at large and has never been involved in an incident with another animal or a human. Lilla is a gentle dog who is well cared for, well loved and very loving.
Due to Council officers declaring Lilla a pitbull, Breanna (Lilla's owner) now has to make a decision, cage Lilla or kill her. Breanna, is chronically ill and has been for several years, she relies on Lilla to help her everyday. Lilla is trained to assist her when she collapses and ensures her very safety. Council officers are aware that they are putting Breanna's life in danger by removing Lilla from her side. Breanna is currently fighting this declaration through VCAT.
Why is Lilla being targeted? Why are they spending so much of the rate payers money persecuting an innocent animal because they believe she looks somewhat like a pit bull? Why did the Victorian government bring in such subjective and poorly written laws?
These are the questions we want answered.
So, what else do we want?
We want Breed Specific Legislation repealed.
We want a fair system that focuses on responsible ownership of all dogs.
We want to stop the mass murder of innocent dogs.
We want to save Lilla from a lifetime behind bars."
To read more and sign the petition click here.
Hitler all over again. When they become councillors, they become very self important and hence pick on the weak. Similar to Belfast Council where the killed another career dog, Lennox , last week, just for looking like a dangerous gentle a Lilla..... Bully boys pick on the weak and vunerable.......